Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time 2×11 – The Outsider

"My dear belle you should have stayed with your books. Real life can get so...messy."


I really don’t like Belle as a character. And seeing as how she was the episode’s primary focus, you can imagine how engaged I was by this hour.

A lot of my dislike for the character stems from the fact that Emilie De Ravin irritates me. The accent, the vacant looks, she’s just terrible. Nevertheless, she got better in this episode and I liked the fact that she displayed toughness and resilience in both the past and present.

However, I am glad that Mulan reappeared. She was pretty underutilized in her previous appearances so it was good to see her prove her worth as a somewhat effective warrior. Here’s hoping she gets more screen time in the future.

As unexciting as the episode felt, I have to admit that the ending was wonderful. Just when I thought we’d be book-ending the hour with a cheesy embrace, Hook shoots Belle (sadly not a fatal shot) and she falls and crosses the magical border, losing her identity in the process. It’s a chilling ending made all the better with the fireball and final car crash by a mysterious driver. Awesome ending indeed.

Storybrooke Snippets

– I can’t decide if the flaming creature effects were not bad or just plain horrible.

– I know I need to get over my beef with the show’s cheesy dialogue but it can get so grating sometimes.

– Did I miss something or did Belle just leave her gun on the table like a bimbo?

– I loved Rumple brutally beating on Hook with his cane. It was quite satisfying, which is weird as I much prefer Hook as a character.

Fairytale Favorites

Belle: Because his heart is pure. Yours is rotten.
Hook: You have no idea.

Hook: I know this ship like the back of my… well you know.

Not the most thrilling episode of Once Upon A Time. However, a superb final scene.

 Nad Rating


  1. Well I for one enjoy the character of Belle, especially in what she brings to the table for Rumple/Gold! So I enjoyed this look into a very interesting aspect of her backstory! :o)

    But still, my favourite parts were Rumple vs Hook. More please! :p

    And the ending of this episode was brilliant!

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