
Revenge 3×11 – Homecoming

"It's a terrible feeling betraying someone you love; I'm so pleased that you get to experience the sensation yourself."


Could it be? Is this a fresh start for Revenge?

I don’t want to get too excited, but the show’s midseason finale (Exodus) was admittedly excellent, and this follow-up further restored my faith in Revenge potentially turning the tables and delivering a great season once more.

The thing that’s most impressive about Revenge at the moment, is its forward momentum. Secrets are being uncovered, allegiances are being torn to shreds, and all the redundancy of the past has been put to rest. It’s refreshing to witness the show exhibit a whole new lease on life.

There’s no denying that amnesia is one of the soapiest cliches around. However, Revenge utilized the device in a most effective manner. While Emily faking the condition might have been a sneakier turn of events, it was also very believable to learn that her mind simply shut down after all the trauma she’d endured. Thankfully, she regained her memory by the end of the hour, thus affording us the opportunity to watch a broken down, disoriented Emily, without stretching the agony past one episode. Special props go to Emily VanCamp for a stunning little turn this week. She rarely gets the opportunity to be so vulnerable, and she played it beautifully.

I’m not entirely sure why the writers brought back Lydia only to ship her off so quickly, but her departure was superbly executed. When Victoria convinced Conrad to frame his mistress in order to save their son, it felt like a true full-circle moment for the show. After all, Papa Grayson had convinced his wife of a similar evil act decades ago when they threw David Clarke under the bus. There’s nothing quite like some well-realized symmetry.

Instead of keeping Patrick paired up with Nolan, the writers wisely chose to repurpose the character and give him and his devious momma a full on revenge-detta against Emily. In addition, Patrick spotted the infinity box, and Vicky made the connection to Emily’s infamous tattoo. It’s only going to be so long before they find out the truth, and I for once can not wait.

The episode’s final sequence was particularly impressive. It’s no secret that I see absolutely no chemistry between Emily and Jack, but the final hospital scene singlehandedly managed to make me intrigued in the possibility that they’re soulmates. Sure I much prefer Ems with Aiden, but at least  Jack isn’t the most annoying character around anymore (yes Charlotte, that honor still belongs to you). In addition, the scene was punctuated by the outstanding moment of Emily regaining her memory. I loved the flashbacks (coupled with that incredible musical score), culminating in our heroine’s hand bleeding from the locket and her uttering the final line: “Daniel shot me.” Simply brilliant.

Vengeful Bits

– The scenes with a bloody and wounded Emily making her onto the boat were especially harrowing and powerful. I particularly loved her pleading with Aiden to not take her back to the Hamptons.

– Great performance by Madeleine Stowe as Victoria displayed the agony of seeing Patrick with Nolan.

– The highlight of the episode: Lydia pouring wine all over Victoria’s favorite chair. And how does the Queen respond? She practically chokes the life out of the harlot! It’s a pity though, as the chair’s been a big part of the show for a long time. One of my favorite restaurants even modeled their furniture after it.

– Charlotte is one step closer to discovering the truth after a disoriented Emily divulged her true father’s identity. Hopefully the little Grayson isn’t a total idiot and will put the pieces together soon.

– Even more forward momentum: Daniel telling Victoria that he shot Emily. Thank God this wasn’t dragged out.

– I was a big fan of the gorgeous Stephanie Jacobson on the short-lived Melrose Place remake. So you can imagine how excited I am to see her playing a mysterious nurse who is doing God knows what to Emily, and who has some shady, romantic past with Aiden. Apparently, she nursed him back to health after the Daniel gunshot.

– Another highlight: Daniel furiously lashing out at his father. I think I’m ready for the Revenge to do away with Conrad and make Daniel its primary Big Bad.

Devious Delights

Daniel: Lydia Davis is one step above a call girl. Nothing she says can be trusted.

Victoria: Do you get off causing innocent people pain?
Nolan: I will let you know if I meet anyone innocent.

Aiden: Can you get access to other hospitals’ computer systems?
Nolan: You give me time and I will make the toilets flush in Morse code.

Nolan: You decided to check back into the Bates Motel, and frankly, Patrick, I’m not into Mama’s boys.

Jack: (to Emily) You are the toughest, most annoyingly bullheaded person on the planet.

An excellent return in a reinvigorated season. I’m extremely impressed.

Nad Rating


  1. About your comment on the scene between jack and emily potentially being soulmates. It makes me wonder for real now as well! Mostly because how they say true love's kiss can break any “curse” and after he kissed her on the forehead she started having those sequence of flashbacks before she said “Daniel… Daniel shot me.”

  2. Wow, best episode in this season so far!! I, too, find myself finally excited about Revenge. This was such an intense, dramatic (while still sometimes soapy) episode filled with momentous events. I just wish Nolan had switched the lab results at the hospital and made it seem like Emily really WAS pregnant, just to make Daniel feel SO, so bad.. I also would've loved the look on Victoria's face when that happens!

    Great review as always! I hope Charlotte discovers Emily's true identity soon too (that's if she hasn't already lol, I'm still avoiding spoilers for now!)

    Here's to hoping the next few episodes don't disappoint as well…

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