
Nikita 2×11 Pale Fire

"There's always a group behind the group."


While I didn’t love this episode, I surely appreciated just how effectively it moved our chess pieces around as I definitely can’t wait to see how the rest of the season is going to play out.

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about the introduction of Katya, Alex’s mom. As I mentioned in the previous episode, I’m tired of dead parents being alive and so far this doesn’t have enough compelling material to make me think otherwise. I was however shocked with the reveal of Katya’s affair with Semak so at least there’s that.

The real highlight of the episode was undoubtedly Alex and Nikita’s long-awaited reunion. Their relationship has always been at the heart of the show and I’m always delighted to see focus returned to that dynamic. The episode’s final scene with them having a heart-to-heart was especially touching and well-made.

Bits & Bullets

– Loved Amanda dumping Ryan into the prison with the “files” aka Percy.

– Outstanding alleyway fight-scene between the Guardian and Owen & Michael. The cinematography in particular was superb.

– It’s so nice to see Nikki and Alex planning and working together again.

– Michael really needs a haircut; he’s starting to look like a homeless person.

– Pretty cool scene with Nikita saving Alex from the transport car.

– Such a rousing sequence (particularly with the music) as Alex and Nikita shoot their way out of the Udinov estate side by side.

– I enjoyed the Nikki flashbacks to the moments before she went on the Pale Fire mission.

– And where exactly did Amanda disappear to? Not cool.

Nikki Notables

Nikita: People make mistakes. They make bad choices. And then to make up for them, they make even worse ones. But if you give them a second chance, sometimes they surprise you.

An effective episode with some good action and transitional developments.

Nad Rating


  1. Wow, that alleyway fight scene between Michael, Owen and the guardian was insane! So damn good.

    This episode made me realize how much I really love Alex, probably more than Nikita and Amanda. There's so much emotion in Lyndsy's performance and portrayal of this character. Maybe she cries a lot, but it all feels SO genuine and sincere. I've gotten really attached to her now and I really hope the show gives her better storylines.

    I don't know how I feel about Katya either. Loved the twist with her having an affair with Semak all along, but I didn't feel anything when she saw Alex for the first time. This was supposed to be a much more effective and heartwrenching scene!

    I'm getting A LITTLE tired of Percy in a cage. Amanda, FINISH HIM already.

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